New to church or the Christian Faith?

It can be overwhelming coming to God for the first time. There are many questions, new experiences, lots of new faces. Even knowing where to start can be challenging…


The Problem

We understand it can be quite scary walking up to a church service for the first time. You don’t know anyone, questions are flying around your mind such as” Where to I go?” “Where do I sit?” “What is a church Service” “What do I wear?”among many others. We understand this, and we are very sympathetic to how intimidating or confusing it may be.


We are always happy for a member of our congregation to meet with you for a coffee, and discuss any questions you have, or simply explain what it is to be a christian, in a very informal setting. No pressure. No commitments. Just a friendly chat giving you more information about coming to God, and offering you a chance to ask any questions you have.

Working Together

That same person can then also meet you on a Sunday Morning and sit with you during the service. That means you have a friendly face meeting you at the door, who can show you around, explain anything that you need, and introduce you to other members of the congregation, taking all the anxieties or stresses out of the experience for you.


That way you can focus completely on what is important…. your connection with God! You have a friend who can introduce you to the church, the organisations, and help you when you are lost or confused. You can then give your thoughts to God and decide how, when or if you want to give your life to him.

 “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”

— John 6:37