Children and Youth at Dungannon Presbyterian Church

Children and Youth Ministry is important to the life and witness of our church.  As our young people grow, mature and develop in a changing and diverse world it is our desire to support and guide our young people to know, love and trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour by teaching them the Scriptures and the truths contained within are unchanging.


Babies and Toddlers

  • Held each Sunday morning in Dungannon Presbyterian Church, creche is for babies and pre-school children. It is organised and run by parents of the congregation and is held in a designated room off the fellowship area in our halls. There are lots of age-appropriate toys and books for the children to play with and the service is live streamed to the creche room. Parents are welcome to bring their little ones into the main church building each Sunday where they are made welcome and leave halfway through the service when the children leave for Sunday School. We love to see little ones at creche and it’s a great place for young parents to come together and get to know each other whilst listening to the service.

    “From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise” Matthew 21 v 16

  • Noah’s Ark Stay and Play welcomes babies and pre-school children with their parents/carers on a Tuesday morning during term time between 10am and 12 noon in the main hall in Dungannon Presbyterian Church.

    The children can enjoy Bible stories, songs, craft, snacks, and playing with the abundance of toys while the parents/carers can enjoy a chat and a coffee. It promises to be a fun morning out for everyone!

    “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord” Psalm 127 v 3

Primary and Post Primary

  • Realising the importance of reading about God’s word from an early age the church has included a children’s library in the Fellowship Area in Scotch Street. Children are free to look at the books when in the church building or to borrow them and enjoy at home.

    Delving into the world of books and stories from the Bible is an enriching journey for young hearts and minds. Here, children can embark on captivating adventures through tales of courage, faith and hope. From the epic journey of Noah's Ark to the timeless wisdom of King Solomon, each story offers valuable lessons that resonate across generations.

    Borrowing these books not only introduces children to the foundational teachings of the Bible but also sparks curiosity about history, culture, and the power of belief. As they flip through the pages, they'll encounter heroes and heroines, miracles and mysteries.

    So, let children's imaginations soar as they explore the wonders of the Bible through these cherished stories, discovering the beauty and truth within its pages Books are aimed at primary school children and a great selection is included.

    “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” Psalm 119 v 105

  • We would be delighted to welcome your children to LAB each Sunday morning from September to June. LAB is held during Sunday morning worship at 10am in Moygashel Hall and is for children from preschool to sixteen years of age. The children and young people leave during the church service and go into LAB where they are taught the “Go Teach” Sunday School programme, with classes divided by age.
    The aim of LAB is to teach the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Children and young people will learn about the Bible and the love of Christ in an appropriate child/youth friendly manner through engaging activities and interactive lessons centered around the Bible. Children are taught the importance of the Bible and fellowship in our lives and learn how prayer draws us closer to God.
    So, please encourage your children and young people to join us in Sunday School, where their hearts and minds can grow in the light of God’s love and faith.

    “Always remember these commands I give you today. Teach them to your children, and talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
    Deuteronomy 6 v 6&7 (NCV)

  • Dungannon Presbyterian holds a strong value in teaching the love of Jesus and extending the knowledge of the Bible to its children. The “Go Teach” programme is taught by a great band of committed Christians to the Sunday School children aged four to eleven years in an age-appropriate manner. Sunday School is an opportunity to nurture children’s spiritual growth and provide them with a strong foundation of values and faith. In this welcoming and supportive environment, children not only learn about the teachings of Christianity but also develop essential life skills such as compassion, empathy, and kindness.
    We would greatly enjoy the presence of your child/children each Sunday morning during morning worship at 11.30am between September and June in the Fellowship Area of Dungannon Presbyterian Church Halls for Sunday School.

    “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22 v 6

  • Wired meets each Sunday morning during the church service between September and June in The Rodgers Room, Scotch Street. Wired follows the “Ministry to Youth” programme and is aimed at our young people who attend secondary level education. Wired’s aim is to teach young people God’s way of salvation, help them grow in their faith in Christ and learn what God has to say as they face the challenges of life today. For more information, please contact Florence Ferry who will be delighted to give you more information.

    “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” Ephesians 3 v 17-18

  • We meet on the second Saturday night of the month, from September to May, in our Scotch Street halls between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.

    It's a well-supervised safe space for young people in Year 8 and above, and each month, we offer a diverse range of activities to cater to a wide range of interests. There's something for everyone, from pool, table tennis, and air hockey to football, volleyball, and indoor hockey.

    We also have unique activities like drift trikes, dodgeball, and karaoke, and we regularly feature drumming, It's a Knockout, and a trip to the assault course at Splash in Moneymore. Naturally, there is a tuck shop, too!

    Soul Resort also runs a week of activities during the school holidays. In 2024, this will run from Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August 2nd.

    Soul Resort is an opportunity for young people to connect, grow, and thrive in a supportive community. In a dynamic and inclusive environment, they can forge lasting friendships and grow in their knowledge of God and His kingdom. So, we encourage all young people to come along and become part of something extraordinary at Soul Resort.

    Registering for Soul Resort is a breeze. Parents are only required to register their child once a year, and this covers both the summer club and the academic year until May 2025.

    The registration process is simple and can be easily completed online. Registration for the upcoming year will open on June 1st, 2024 on our dedicated Soul Resort website.

    "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. "

    1 Timothy 4 v 12

Young Adults

  •  The Circle is a joint cross denominational Young Adults’ Group for young adults across the Dungannon area. The aim of the group is to form a community of people that are at a similar stage of life to each other, where they can build one another up and grow together in faith.

    The Circle takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, usually in Moygashel Hall, all 17+ welcome. For further information follow us on Instagram or like us on Facebook.

    “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

    Psalm 119 v 9-11

  • Branch Out stands as a link between the church and the young people of our congregation who go off to university or begin apprenticeships.

    Through regular email outreach, the organization maintains a connection with students and young people, to keep them informed of events in our congregation and offer support at stressful times such as exam season and to those young people who are away from home.

    Rooted in the nurturing spirit of the church, Branch Out's mission resonates deeply with the values of community and support. With each correspondence, it endeavours to foster a sense of belonging, ensuring that students and young people feel the reassuring presence of the church as they embark on their professional endeavours. In this way, Branch Out serves as a beacon of encouragement, embodying the church's commitment to nurturing the growth of young individuals.

    If you know of a young person who would like to keep in touch with our church community, please let us know.

    "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."
    John 15 v 5