
We begin by thanking everyone who currently contributes financially to Dungannon Presbyterian Church. These financial contributions allow the work and witness of the church to continue year after year. Without your continued support to Freewill Offering (WFO), The United Appeal Student and Missionary Fund, The Building and Repair Fund and the Renovation Fund so much of what we already do would not be possible. An Annual Report is published each year for all congregational members and contributors to show how the contributions are used.


To make giving convenient for you, we offer multiple options.

Traditional Giving via Church Envelopes

For those who prefer giving weekly, envelopes are available from the church. Place your offering inside the envelope that has your personal allocation number on it, and place in the basket at church. Envelopes included in the pack will include Weekly Freewill Offering (WFO), The Building and Repair Fund, The United Appeal Student and Missionary Appeal. Separate envelopes are available for the Renovation Fund. From 2025 these will issue with your WFO envelopes. If you are a UK taxpayer, please ensure you have filled out the Gift Aid Declaration form included with this information. Feel free to contact a member of Session or Committee if you need clarification.


Standing Order

Consider setting up a Standing Order for your contributions. This automated method ensures your support is consistent, allowing us to plan and allocate resources effectively. We have included the form and details that are necessary to set up a Standing Order. Contact Honorary Treasurer John Eddie or WFO Secretary Peter Finlay to discuss your allocation across WFO, Building and Repair Fund, The United Appeal Student and Missionary Fund and The Renovation Fund. The Gift Aid Declaration form is also at the bottom of this section for UK taxpayers.


The Importance of Gift Aid if you are a UK Taxpayer

By choosing to Gift Aid your contributions to Dungannon Presbyterian Church you enable the church to claim an additional 25p every time you donate even £1 at no extra cost to you. This means Gift Aid is a powerful way to maximise the impact of your donations meaning your support goes even further in making a difference to the life, witness, and work of the church. Anyone can gift aid their contributions provided they are a UK taxpayer. This can be from any source including wages, pension or investments.


Thank You for your continued support. Together we can make a lasting impact on our church, our community and beyond.

Forms for downloading

Standing Order

Gift Aid